Health &Wellness


Living Classrooms has joined GBMC, Gilchrist, and multiple community partners to improve access to medical care in our Target Investment Zone of East Baltimore.

In your neighborhood

The GBMC Health Partners Primary Care clinic in Jonestown takes a proactive approach to wellness with extended hours, an on-site blood lab, and a 24/7 portal to message your provider. The clinic provides primary care to patients of all ages starting at birth. GBMC can even provide a ride to and from your appointment.

In your home

If you or loved one is a senior with a serious illness and has difficulty traveling to appointments, Gilchrist will bring primary care to you. Gilchrist provides all the support you need to live life to the fullest including in-home visits from a medical provider, symptom management, medications, lab tests and x-rays, emotional support, education and 24/7 access to a nurse helpline. You can receive the care and attention you need in the comfort of your home.

BMORE Athletic League
